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LISICOS -- The Long Island Sound Integrated Coastal Observing System
Central Sound Station – NOAA ID: 44039

Station Status: 

41 8.25 N   72 39.30 W    

Site Description:
Approximately 14 miles southeast of New Haven Harbor in 27 meters (~90 feet) of water.

Water Quality Sensors:
SBE37 SMP ODO MicroCat with water temperature, conductivity (salinity), dissolved oxygen.

Surface sensors are approximately 1 meter (3 ft) deep.

Meteorological Sensors:
Wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, relative humidity, air temperature - Campbell Scientific MetSens500

Anemometer height is 3.5 meters above the water surface.

Wave Sensor:
SVS-603HR Wave Sensor - Seaview Systems

©1999- University of Connecticut
